How do I access the EBS storage behind Sagemaker Notebook Instances?


I have several SageMaker Instances that will not start because they are using an old platform version (notebook-al1-v1). I would like to backup / access the files stored on these instances - is there a way for me to do so?

Any help is appreciated!

Nate S
asked 21 days ago392 views
1 Answer


Currently AL1 notebooks that are in stopped state can not be restarted as AL1 reached End of Life. The same has been updated in the blog.

AL1 reaches its end of life on notebook instances on March 31, 2024. After this date, AL1 will no longer receive any security updates, bug fixes, or be available for new notebook instance creation.

  • Existing AL1 notebook instances with a STOPPED status cannot be restarted.
  • AL1 notebook instances with the INSERVICE status are not affected until they are stopped.

if you are looking for data in the underlying EBS volume, I would suggest you to raise a case with support team.

answered 21 days ago

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