SiteWise OPC UA gateway deployment shows completed but no latest values are coming through.


I got Greengrass deployment which works fine and then on SitWise I configured the gateway for OPC UA as a data source. I provided the correct URL and enable trust (accepting certificate) on the local machine (OPC UA server) to enable communication. All seems to be working fine. I have the following hierarchy on OPC UA Kepware Server as Reactor 1/Device/Temperature. I have added /Reactor 1 as node id. Then under the asset, I have added the following alias as /Reactor 1/Device/Temperature but there is no value coming in.

Not sure what is wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Also, how do I look at the logs to see where the problem is happening? Picture of Asset with no Latest Value

asked 2 years ago599 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The way I resolved the issue. By doing the fresh installation of the core device. Then I went on with SiteWise and configure the gateway. At this point still no data stream coming in from the OPC UA server. Then I went and check the aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgeCollectorOpcua.log and aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgePublisher.log. In the Publisher log, I found an error about not having sufficient rights to my policies. I went and update my GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRoleAccess policy as per this:

Lastly, I restart the Greengrass service and this fixes the problem. The manual is not very friendly and it requires good updates for the GreenGrass v2 installation for the OPC UA component.

answered 2 years ago


there are several topics that you can validate to make sure data arrive in the Cloud:

  • are there any errors in the logs for the SiteWise collector (aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgeCollectorOpcua.log) or publisher (aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgePublisher.log)
  • did you enable a data stream prefix? Sometimes the console adds a prefix automatically. If there is a prefix you can remove it or add it to your alias definition
  • is the data source for the gateway in sync
  • does your gateway receive the data streams? They are stored in a Greengrass stream: grep -ia propertyalias /greengrass/v2/work/aws.greengrass.StreamManager/SiteWise*Stream/*.log
  • You can try to use / as Node ID in your data source configuration to capture all data streams
  • what is the data type for the measurement exposed by the Kepware server? It must match one of the supported data types for SiteWise


answered 2 years ago
    1. are there any errors in the logs for the SiteWise collector (aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgeCollectorOpcua.log) or publisher (aws.iot.SiteWiseEdgePublisher.log) - Not sure if I can interpert errors.

    2. did you enable a data stream prefix? Sometimes the console adds a prefix automatically. If there is a prefix you can remove it or add it to your alias definition - No

    3. is the data source for the gateway in sync - Yes

    4. does your gateway receive the data streams? They are stored in a Greengrass stream: grep -ia propertyalias /greengrass/v2/work/aws.greengrass.StreamManager/SiteWiseStream/.log - I don't see any logs. Permission Denied.

    5. You can try to use / as Node ID in your data source configuration to capture all data streams - Try it but no change to behavior.

    6. what is the data type for the measurement exposed by the Kepware server? It must match one of the supported data types for SiteWise - I am using Double for Float (OPC UA)

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