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can i delete s3 bucket , i used that data to create AMI


I have created Amazon WorkSpaces using a BYOL image in the AWS Console. First, I created a base image on-premises and shared that .vhdx disk with Amazon S3. From that Amazon S3 bucket, I used CLI commands to create an AMI. By using the previously created AMI ID, I generated a BYOL image in the Amazon WorkSpaces console. Now, my question is: Can I delete the S3 bucket?

1 Answer


Deletion should be possible if you can empty the S3 bucket.
If you have already registered the image as an AMI, I think it is safe to delete the image in S3.
If you delete the AMI, you will need to delete Amazon WorkSpaces, but I think there is no problem with the image that the AMI is based on.
We recommend that you test to see if there is any problem with deleting it just to be sure.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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