Fortinet Firewall Provision Best Practice


We are looking at setting up a pair of Fortinet firewalls hosted on EC2. These will be exposed to the Internet. Is it best practice to put these behind a public facing network load balancer?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It depends on what you want the firewalls to do. I'm opinionated about this topic (and you can hear my opinions in the AWS Podcast) - I think that firewalls should definitely not be "front line" - they should be somewhere behind the load balancers and perhaps even behind the workloads.

In general (and this is not a dig at Fortinet who make excellent products) firewalls are expensive and don't scale as quickly as traffic patterns (particularly during a DDoS) require. So using the cloud-native components (such as CloudFront and WAF) is better; and then put the firewalls "later" in the network path to do what they are best at - looking for specific and detailed attack vectors.

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answered 16 days ago
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reviewed 16 days ago
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reviewed 16 days ago
  • Thanks for your answer. We're going for Fortinet FWs to use their SD-WAN feature, allowing us to hook our AWS environment into our on-prem network. Agree with your analysis that a DDoS could potentially cripple this connectivity

  • Security Groups are a good way of protecting the firewalls - you can restrict ports/protocols and IP addresses. That's kind of the opposite of what SD-WAN is intended to do; but if you are building out a network where you know the SD-WAN endpoints it means that only the traffic from those endpoints will reach the firewalls.

  • Intresting point Brett on the scaling. All AWS examples for NGFW are usually being a GWLB and in front of the ALB. Im going to listen to your postcast you have supplied in the link..

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