How to increase the Speed of a Deep Racer Car in Virtual Race(Time Trial)?


Hello there Deepracers!(#aws-deepracer) I'm hoping you could offer some suggestions or guidance on my reward function. I'm seeking assistance and suggestions regarding my reward function. I've experimented with various approaches to create a reward function that handles the track better. I've developed two different approaches where the reward function performs admirably, allowing the agent to successfully complete the race without any resets or going off-track. However, I've encountered a challenge: the agent's speed is too slow. Despite conducting multiple tests, such as offering rewards relative to motivating the agent to reach its maximum speed, hard-coding speed values, and introducing conditions to monitor and manipulate speed, I haven't seen any improvement in the agent's speed. I'm open to any suggestions or advice you may have for me. Any tips or solutions you can share with me would be greatly appreciated!

asked a year ago1580 views
2 Answers

Please specify if you are in the deepracer league or deepracer student league. It would fundementally change our answer to you. What a lot of people do not grasp is speed is a fixed value from your action space. People will see the video and think they can reward above max speed. The other issue is reward = speed or reward = speed + some other reward behavior are bad reward function.

Without going into the math these reward function will prompt the car to go slower because highest overall reward is achieved. Ultimately the cars goal is to get the highest reward. This means analyzing your reward function is vital to understand if you shaped your reward correctly. Lower steps will be faster laps.

answered a year ago
  • Thank you for your response. I am a participant in the Deepracer student league. Currently, I am utilizing the relative speed and reward features in one of my models, also another one with the step functionality with a maximum of 300 steps. However, I am curious to know if there are alternative options for achieving maximum speed if we do not use the speed parameter in this way. Can you suggest any other approaches?

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