Amazon Connect - Claim phone Number



I am facing an issue where I created a new AWS account for a customer and we added the Amazon Connect service, however after building almost everything and claiming a new phone number I couldn't do it, saying that I have reached a limit which is false because it was the first number.

I haven't been able to find in the documentation any information about a period that I have to wait before claiming a phone number.

I was wondering if anyone knows a solution or what is the right process, I have seen that increasing my quote is the only workaround.


asked 8 months ago373 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

In some cases, certain actions in AWS might be subject to wait periods, especially in newly created accounts. However, specific wait periods for Amazon Connect phone number provisioning are not typically mentioned in the documentation. AWS Support for clarification is a good step to resolve this

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • Thank you for your answer, and yes that is the only step I have found, however, is frustrating cause I couldn't anticipate this.

  • I am trying to do the Amazon Connect bootcamp and ran into this issue in the first few minutes of the tutorial. I have found the Service Quota page and put in a request, but it's unclear if this is sufficient to getting just ONE number to do the tutorial. Since I am using a free account, am I SOL?


Thankfully the quotas now show the actual setting, so you can validate your Connect quotas or set an alarm when you're getting close to reaching one of them. The phone number limitation comes up often with new instances created.

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answered 8 months ago

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