GraphQL pagination returning same results from dynamoDB


I'm pagianting list of data from dynamoDB table but it is returning same object every time:

Example : Dynamdb table:

id=1 title=hello

id=2 title=good

id=3 title=okay

My pagination limit is 3:

so it's will give item sequence like:

id=1 title=hello

id=2 title=good

id=3 title=okay

When I'm creating 3 more new item in table and querying list of items, instead of fetching the new item first the items are in between the previous list.

If your answer is write a smart algorithm then fetch data my app is new app there is nothing to do analytics, better to write some filter that it will show new items to user. If I will add a filter as createdDate then the possibility is that the loop of data will end because of less post and users. So if you know how to write a perfect filter of new app/startup then please suggest me.

1 Answer

You can use the following code to achieve what you need:

import boto3

# get a list of items from dynamodb using pagination, default page size is 25 return all items
def get_items_from_dynamo_db(table_name, page_size=25, dynamodb=None):
    if not dynamodb:
        dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
    table = dynamodb.Table(table_name)
    response = table.scan(Limit=page_size)
    items = response["Items"]
    while "LastEvaluatedKey" in response:
        response = table.scan(ExclusiveStartKey=response["LastEvaluatedKey"], Limit=page_size)
    return items

For your reference, this code was generated by CodeWhisperer using the following 2 lines:

import boto3

# get a list of items from dynamodb using pagination, default page size is 25 return all items
answered a year ago

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