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Unable to send emails after Amazon SES Credential Compromise Sending Pause



My SES account was suspended without notice or warning even though all my quality metrics were excellent.

Anyway, I contacted support who advised me to delete the IAM user and create a new one.

I did so and Amazon reactivated my account.

problem: I changed in my script putting the new credentials (without changing anything else) and I have the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Swift_TransportException: Connection could not be established with host ses-smtp-user.2023XXXX-10XXXX :stream_socket_client(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /home/XXXXXlus/domains/ Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: Swift_Transport_StreamBuffer->{closure}(2, 'stream_socket_c...', '/home/XXXXX...', 264, Array) #1 /home/XXXXXlus/domains/ stream_socket_client('tcp://ses-smtp-...', 0, 'php_network_get...', 30, 4, Resource id #4) #2 /home/XXXXXlus/domains/ Swift_Transport_StreamBuffer->establishSocketConnection() #3 /home/XXXXXlus/domains/ in /home/XXXXXlus/domains/ on line 261

obviously I did not change anything else ...

Thanks for your help

2 Answers

You probably need to generate new SMTP user credentials.

If you were using credentials based on an IAM user to send via the SMTP interface, then those credentials became invalid when you deleted the old IAM user. Make sure that your new IAM user has the correct permission (ses:SendRawEmail) in the correct region, and then follow the procedure linked above to convert the IAM user into a set of SMTP credentials.

answered 2 years ago

Thank you for your answer

As indicated, I have obviously tested with the new credentials Here are the current permissions:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ses:UpdateConfigurationSetEventDestination", "ses:PutDeliverabilityDashboardOption", "ses:GetDeliverabilityDashboardOptions", "ses:PutConfigurationSetSendingOptions", "ses:PutEmailIdentityFeedbackAttributes", "ses:DeleteConfigurationSet", "ses:GetDomainDeliverabilityCampaign", "ses:DeleteConfigurationSetEventDestination", "ses:ListTagsForResource", "ses:ListDedicatedIpPools", "ses:GetEmailIdentity", "ses:ListEmailIdentities", "ses:SendEmail", "ses:ListConfigurationSets", "ses:ListDomainDeliverabilityCampaigns", "ses:UntagResource", "ses:PutConfigurationSetTrackingOptions", "ses:TagResource", "ses:DeleteDedicatedIpPool", "ses:CreateDedicatedIpPool", "ses:PutConfigurationSetReputationOptions", "ses:GetConfigurationSet", "ses:PutAccountSendingAttributes", "ses:ListDeliverabilityTestReports", "ses:PutConfigurationSetDeliveryOptions", "ses:GetDedicatedIps", "ses:CreateConfigurationSet", "ses:SendRawEmail", "ses:CreateEmailIdentity", "ses:PutDedicatedIpInPool", "ses:PutEmailIdentityDkimAttributes", "ses:DeleteEmailIdentity", "ses:GetConfigurationSetEventDestinations", "ses:CreateDeliverabilityTestReport", "ses:PutEmailIdentityMailFromAttributes", "ses:GetAccount", "ses:GetBlacklistReports", "ses:PutDedicatedIpWarmupAttributes", "ses:GetDedicatedIp", "ses:CreateConfigurationSetEventDestination", "ses:GetDomainStatisticsReport", "ses:GetDeliverabilityTestReport", "ses:PutAccountDedicatedIpWarmupAttributes" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

answered 2 years ago

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