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Analysis Created with AWS QuickSight CLI Not Visible in Analysis Section


I recently created an analysis using the create-analysis command in the AWS CLI. I received an API response that indicates the analysis was created successfully. However, when I navigate to the QuickSight analysis section, I cannot find the newly created analysis there.

What could be the reasons for the analysis not showing up in the QuickSight console and how can I solve this? Are there any specific permissions or settings I should check to ensure the analysis is visible?

asked a year ago315 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Ran this code in the CLI

aws quicksight update-analysis-permissions --aws-account-id [ACCOUNT ID] --analysis-id [ANALYSIS ID] --grant-permissions Principal=arn:aws:quicksight:[REGION]:[ACCOUNT ID]:user/default/[USERNAME],Actions=quicksight:RestoreAnalysis,quicksight:UpdateAnalysisPermissions,quicksight:DeleteAnalysis,quicksight:QueryAnalysis,quicksight:DescribeAnalysisPermissions,quicksight:DescribeAnalysis,quicksight:UpdateAnalysis

Source: UpdateAnalysisPermissions - Amazon QuickSight

answered a year ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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