Image Builder for CIS Windows Images


Hi We have a Windows image builder pipeline that bakes latest OS images With Windows it is easy to find the latest AMI: Base IMage: windows-server-2016-english-full-base-x86 Version: x.x.x We then build and arn in the image pipeline like this: ParentImage: !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:imagebuilder:${AWS::Region}:aws:image/${BaseImageName}/${BaseImageVersion}" The current solution is based on CFN stacks This works without any SSM parameter update via Lambda.

Now I want to create a pipeline for Windows cis image such as CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Benchmark v2.0.0.2 - Level 1-b1776421-c8ab-411d-8a73-34f06d3ceadf

Is there an quick way to get the latest ami id of the CIS AMI for Windows without going through the SSM/Lambda path? The image builder is to be scheduled every month and bake with the latest AMI. Thanks

asked a year ago545 views
1 Answer

Hi, yes, it is possible to run a CLI command like the one below to obtain the latest image matching a given name:

aws ec2 describe-images --owners amazon --filters Name=platform,Values=windows --filters "Name=name,Values=Windows_Server*" | jq "[.Images[] | {ImageId: .ImageId ,Name: .Name, CreationDate: .CreationDate}] | sort_by(.CreationDate) | .[-1]"

  "ImageId": "ami-06277c3639439d32c",
  "Name": "Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-ECS_Optimized-2023.07.11",
  "CreationDate": "2023-07-17T16:58:12.000Z"

If you use an SDK instead of CLI, use same parameters as above adapted to your programming language of choice.



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks I will try this out

  • When I try this, the output is null - aws ec2 describe-images --owners amazon --filters Name=platform,Values=windows --filters "Name=name,Values=CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022*" | jq "[.Images[] | {ImageId: .ImageId ,Name: .Name, CreationDate: .CreationDate}] | sort_by(.CreationDate) | .[-1]"

  • Actually this one helped aws ec2 describe-images --owners aws-marketplace --filters Name=platform,Values=windows --filters "Name=name,Values=CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022*" | jq "[.Images[] | {ImageId: .ImageId ,Name: .Name, CreationDate: .CreationDate}] | sort_by(.CreationDate) | .[-1]" I will check if I can convert it to boto3 SDK

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