COLUMN_NOT_FOUND: line 1:8: Column


Hello, I just created a table using CSV and getting the error when i tried to retrieve the data in Athena. I tried both V2 and V3 but still no luck. Here is the Query ID when tried with one column: a97cbfe0-acc1-47e6-9788-fa80381bfd97 Error: COLUMN_NOT_FOUND: line 1:8: Column 'platform_id' cannot be resolved This query ran against the "san_test_db" database, unless qualified by the query

Another query id with * : 0fc4b9c9-101c-4d9b-8b84-1c487097202d Error: COLUMN_NOT_FOUND: line 1:8: SELECT * not allowed from relation that has no columns This query ran against the "san_test_db" database, unless qualified by the query.

I tried with and without double quotes around the table and still get the same error.

  • Please close this question as I found a reason for this error. Basically, AWS created a folder Unsaved under the same path I used for the table source and that was causing an issue.

asked 2 years ago515 views
1 Answer


This error usually occurs when the said column is missing from the Athena data source. If your Data source does have that column then please check the path you defined in the query Editor there may be a misspelling or extra character due to encoding. If the issue still persist, then please open a support case with AWS using query ID and region name -

Thank you.

answered 2 years ago

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