is it possible for Lambda's assumed temporary credentials to expire


Hello: As the requests from internet reach Lambda function frequently, I understand my Lambda function instance may not be stopped and replaced. Thus the assumed temporary credentials in the function instance will be reused for more than once. If the expiring time arrives, what behavior I will get in the code? An error in the runtime? In order to handle such scenario, what suggestions could you provide? Thanks in advance.

asked 10 months ago325 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I don't believe that credentials will expire during the "active" lifetime of a Lambda function. That said: If you're using the AWS-supplied SDKs (all of which automatically retrieve credentials from the appropriate places) then even if credentials did expire and were replaced (as they would be on an EC2 instance) then that process is automatic and invisible to your code.

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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