Started detaching volume by mistake - how to cancel



I started detaching an EBS volume by mistake (I chose the wrong volume).

Since the volume was still mounted it has not detached and is now stuck in a "busy" state.

It still works fine but if the instance is rebooted at any time then I'm worried it will detach and this might happen when I am not around to sort it out.

Is there any way to cancel the detach instruction and get the volume back in a normal "attached" state?

Thanks and regards

asked a year ago481 views
1 Answer

How about setting it to automatically mount after reboot?
The following document describes how to set it up.

With this setup, if you accidentally detach it, it will be restored after attaching and rebooting.

profile picture
answered a year ago
  • Thanks. That article contained some great info I was not aware with, such as mounting devices using their UUID. I do already have an fstab file to mount the volume on reboot, was hoping though I could "cancel" the detach instruction so that I don't have a service interruption while I unmount and mount again (or reboot and mount again). Was also hoping the detach instruction would time out since the volume is still mounted but seems there is no timeout and the "busy" state persists forever until an unmount or reboot happens.

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