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"Your Amazon Web Services Free Tier expires soon"


I received this email from AWS, saying "Your Amazon Web Services Free Tier expires soon" I have no idea I requested but it says " If no action is taken, your resources will continue to run, and you’ll be automatically billed for any active resources when the 12-month Free Tier period ends." Can you please help me resign from this? It is appreciated if you could let me know the POC. Thank you

asked 10 months ago329 views
1 Answer

Every account is in-scope of AWS Free Tier for the first year. Certain services are in scope of free tier, typically these are small, low-powered instances that are designed to get a new user acquainted with AWS and all its services for a low (or no) cost.

The FAQ for Free Tier is here

Full details of what's in-scope of free tier (some items are free for 12 months, some for shorter, some forever, and some never) are here

After the free tier period expires, items which your account could take advantage of for free will now be chargeable

Detailed advice on terminating resources you don't need any more is here

A drastic option if you want to terminate all running resources is AWS Nuke (caution: use with care!)

Can you please help me resign from this?

If you want to go the whole way and close your account the instructions are here

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • I followed all the steps on the guide it was sent to my email to terminate my free tier but the billing console is still showing a cost breakdown for an Amazon Simple storage service, I double checked and there is no active or disabled buckets on the S3 console but is still charging me $0.000032. I reviewed the new Cost explore and shows that i have 6 services, but there is no records or services deployed/enable when i review every service console. How can i make ensure the delete/termination of all the services?

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