Static IP not working after Lightsail Instance restart


I am running a Lightsail Instance (WordPress site). I have a static IP address assigned to the instance. It has been running for several months without any problems. I restarted the instance and now the public IP doesn't work, or at least I can't connect to my website. What do I need to do to get the public IP address working again? The static IP is 3.2118.65.209. The DNS is on Cloudflare, and the domain is registered there, too.

  • The IP address you gave in your question (3.2118.65.209) is not a valid IP address in the IPv4 address space. Did you, perhaps, misplace one of the dots? What is the status of the instance showing in the Lightsail console and have you tried logging in via SSH to make sure all the processes are up and running?

1 Answer

Please try the following troubleshooting steps when possible [1]

[1] Troubleshoot an unresponsive Lightsail instance

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answered 2 years ago

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