Expired AWS SAA Certification

  1. Does Expired AWS SAA Certification still hold value in market?
  2. After expiry date or certification , is it same as writing fresh certification exam?
  3. What happens if we do not renew the certificate ?
asked 9 months ago364 views
1 Answer


Does Expired AWS SAA Certification still hold value in market?

The fact that you passed the qualification will not disappear.
However, AWS is constantly updated, and we recommend updating to show off your latest knowledge.

Certification through AWS is valid for three years from the date it was earned. Before the three-year period expires, you must recertify to keep your certification current and active. AWS sends reminders prior to certification expiration, but you are responsible for maintaining the active status of your certification(s). The recertification process demonstrates your knowledge of current practices and technology as they evolve, thereby maintaining or enhancing a certification’s value over time.

After expiry date or certification , is it same as writing fresh certification exam?

To recertify the exam, you will need to take the SAA exam again or pass the higher level SAP (Solution Architect Professional) certification.

What happens if we do not renew the certificate ?

If you do not renew, the certification status will change to Expired as the certification expires.

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answered 9 months ago
  • I believe You can’t recertify an expired certificate by passing the pro exam. The. Associate would need to be in date for it recertify

  • Sorry, I misunderstood. As @Gary Mclean says, you will need to retake the SAA if it has expired.

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