Can not change permision of uploaded folder from on-premises to S3 through StorageGateway SMB File Share


I have migrate folders from on-premises to S3 through DataSync and use StorageGateway to access. I set up SMB file share authentication with AD, access control through Windows ACL. After uploading, all folder can not change permision through WindowACL. Error message: Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied.

  • Default owner of all uploaded folder is nfsnobody (Unix User\nfsnobody) and can not be changed,too. So I can not change file and folder permision with choosen user in File access setting of SMB file share

  • So, your question is for changing the permissions/ownership at NFS or at S3?

asked a year ago492 views
1 Answer

Just had that same issue.

Rename the folder Create a copy of it Rename the copy to the original name Delete the original folder

That solved my permission issues caused by failed DataSync jobs

answered a year ago

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