ACM Troubleshooting: Help Needed


Hello, Help needed! I opened an AWS account. I also opened two domain names. I am running some projects and need SSL certificates but unfortunately as hard as I had tried repeatedly, I couldn't get the certificate status change from pending state to issued.

I knew I received two seperate emails to verify the 2 domains which I didn't attend to on time. However, I later resent the emails and followed the processes, consequently, I verified the two domains to be mine.

However, I still find it hard to use ceritificate manager to issue an SSL certificate till now. I had read the documentations over and over but I can't get any solution yet.

Please kindly assist because I am stuck and can't move forward in my projects. Thanks!

2 Answers

If a certificate is showing as "issued" in Certificate Manager then it should be available for you to associate with resources like a CloudFront distribution or the listener for a Load Balancer, provided these are in the same region as the certificate.

Note that there isn't a certificate for you to download from AWS Console, nor will you get a certificate emailed to you as an attachment. It remains as an object inside ACM that can be associated with other resources in their configs.

See for associating with load balancers, and for CloudFront distributions.

If you want a certificate that you can install into an EC2 instance then ACM can't do this, you'll need to procure a certificate from a third party such as

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you. I really appreciate this. I can understand the above. However, I am trying to request the certificate from AWS ACM.

  • Just to understand where you are, you've verified the domain is yours, yes?

    In AWS Console -> AWS Certifciate Manager (ACM) -> Request a certificate -> Request a public certificate

    Fill out the details for the cert that you want (as you've already verified the domain in R53, select DNS validation).

    Click on the pending cert, click on create records in R53, wait a few minutes for everything to propagate through. . . . It's now validated and issued, and ready for use


First of all try to check your domain setting and check it to hit on browser and then try it again because some time it takes more then one day

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answered a year ago
  • Thanks for the response. I had done that before. It's not working yet.

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