can i use aws cli to get the AWS services properties. ?


can i use get the AWS services asset inventory through AWS Cli, if yes please share the reference docuement ?

asked a year ago238 views
1 Answer

Yes, you can use the AWS CLI to get properties of AWS services and gather an asset inventory. To do this, you can use specific AWS CLI commands for each service to retrieve properties, and AWS Config to gather an asset inventory.

For AWS Config, to get an asset inventory, you'd first need to enable AWS Config to track your resources. Then, you can use commands like:

  • To list all discovered resource:
    aws configservice list-discovered-resources


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answered a year ago
  • Thanks for your input, is there document in place to refer AWS CLI commands to get properties of AWS services and gather an asset inventory?

  • To interact with AWS services via the CLI, you need to use specific CLI commands for each service. You can find a comprehensive list of AWS service CLI commands in the AWS CLI documentation, available at:

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