Amazon MQ - ActiveMQ - enhance logged information - "Async error occurred" without trace


I'm currently using a microservice that is listening from an ActiveMQ queue outside AWS, retrieves the messages, and transfers them into an Amazon MQ ActiveMQ queue. For one part of the messages, everything works fine. But some others, even if considered as well transferred, they aren't present in the destination queue. I enabled the general and audit log of the broker, and found obscure warning messages. Obscure because it doesn't contain any trace or information about the root cause. Here is the message:

  • WARN | Async error occurred | | ActiveMQ Transport: ssl:///<some IP and port>
  • I added "<some IP and port>" just to hide the real IP and port.

Is there any way to have more information?

1 Answer

The ActiveMQ general logs should contain any information related to the broker.

Any client side logs around the same time?

Is the IP and port from from your consumer/producer?

answered 2 years ago

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