Can AWS FIS do ecs:stop-task on Fargate?


Hi team, I'm trying to deploy an FIS Experimentation Template (admittedly with terraform) but it doesn't seem to work for fargate. Can AWS FIS execute stop task on fargate, and if so, is there an example configuration (even with AWS Console or json)?

  • action: ecs:stop-task
  • target: Clusters (?)

Since target seems to only allow clusters, dbinstances, (ec2) instances, (eks) nodegroups, and (iam) roles....wasn't sure if clusters is accurate or if there is a needed enhancement for FIS to support fargate? This was further questioned as I got some valuable feedback on a different thread that FIS's ECS drain containers ONLY works on EC2 launch types, not fargate so wanted to explicitly ask about fargate support.


asked 2 years ago941 views
2 Answers

As of June 1, 2023, AWS FIS supports EKS and ECS actions. While not all ECS actions are supported with ECS on AWS Fargate yet, you can use the aws:ecs:stop-task action.

answered 9 months ago
Accepted Answer


Thank you for reaching out to us !

From your query, I understand that you wish to know whether AWS Fault Injection Simulator is supported with ECS Fargate.

Addressing your concerns,

Please note that unfortunately currently FIS does not support Fargate, the only container services that are targetable are the one with the EC2 launch type. You have correctly pointed out the same. The documentation link shared by you enlists the supported Amazon ECS action types, however which only work on underlying EC2 instances.

I deeply regret the inconvenience caused to you and sincerely apologise for the same.

However, I would like to inform you that there is an ongoing feature request for the same. The AWS service team is aware of the limitations and is currently working for the enhancement. AWS prioritizes the needs of the customer and I will duly add your voice to add to the impact.

We can look out for new features and announcements using :



Thank you for your co-operation and understanding

Wishing you a great day !

answered 2 years ago

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