CodeCommit: Pull Request: How to see corrected comments in code?

  • Mr. A creates a pull request.
  • I add a comment in line 4 that code needs to be changed.
  • Mr. A does the changes, commits, pushes. And asks for a re-check.
  • When I open the pull request I can see the latest code, but my comments are gone. I could see them in the Activity tab, but they are not shown in correlation with the latest code version. Now I need to manually look at where I initially added the comment and figure out if Mr. A fixed that part.

Question: Is there a way I can see comments made in a previous commit in the latest source code version (as GitHub and GitLab do)?

asked a year ago452 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello there,

As of now, CodeCommit does not show the previous Comment if the Pull request is updated with the new commit on “Changes” Tab in the Pull request console. You will be able to see your comments only in the activity tab in the pull request console or using the CLI command "aws codecommit get-comments-for-pull-request --pull-request-id <<PULL_REQUEST_ID>>"

Have forwarded this as a feature request to the CodeCommit team. I've taken steps to relay the information you've included to our team for further review and consideration .

Thank you!

answered a year ago

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