Is it possible too Switch off or change the log level for CodeDeploy Logs?


When I run a CodeDeploy deployment there is a script called "scripts.log" that is added to the code agent output on the target server that contains logs related to the lifecycle hook scripts. Is it possible to either change the log level on these or switch them off?


1 Answer


CodeDeploy does support Environment Variables, thereby affecting a number of operational parameters. If you read the AWS documentation as specified on: you will see that there is a statement - Common use cases for environment variables include varying the application server port or the logging level based on whether the script is running in the “Staging” or “Production” deployment group.

Further, reading thru the blog post as mentioned in the same article, there is an explanation of how to change the code to change logging levels. This is will require some coding knowledge.

I hope this helps.

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answered a year ago

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