Certificate renewal status is "Pending auto-renewal" but domain renewal status is "Success"


We keep getting emails saying that "ACM was unable to automatically renew your certificate." and that we need to send a validation email to renew. The problem is, in the domain section of the certificate, the "Status" and "Renewal Status" both show "Success" so we can't resend the validation email.

How do we resolve this?

asked a year ago477 views
3 Answers

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, the certificate is still set to expire on 10/19.

The certificate is set for email renewal and we found the original email to renew but it had already expired and we can't send a new one because the domain renewal status says "success" even though the certificate renewal status is "Pending auto-renew".

answered a year ago

Here's a screen shot of the certificate with the issue we're having - please see the "renewal status" for the certificate and the domain. I need to send another email to validate the domain since it's about to expire but that option isn't available because the domain renewal status is "success". Enter image description here

answered a year ago
  • Thanks for that. It looks like the renewal status of the domain is not "pending validation" therefore it does not allow you to resend the validation email according to https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/resend-acm-validation-email. Since the certificate will expire soon and the certificate is still Pending auto-renewal, I would suggest to open a support case from your AWS console.


Hi, if "Renewal Status" is successful, the certificate has already been renewed. Would you please check the expiry date to see if it is already up to date? Besides, please confirm whether the certificate renewal method is EMAIL instead of DNS.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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