I can't seem to find this answer, but when I attempt to grab objects from an S3 bucket the metadata I'm getting back is in gzip format. When I try to open the PDF file, it says the file is corrupt.
For example:
aws s3api --profile personal get-object --bucket mys3bucket --key "MyInvoice-001.pdf" MyInvoice-001.pdf
"AcceptRanges": "bytes",
"LastModified": "2023-12-29T06:36:03+00:00",
"ContentLength": 1123267,
"ETag": "\"309182placeholdertext4318410\"",
"ContentEncoding": "gzip",
"ContentType": "application/pdf",
"ServerSideEncryption": "AES256",
"Metadata": {}
Since I see the ContentEncoding is set to gzip, I decided to see if I could unzip it...
mv MyInvoice-001.pdf MyInvoice-001.pdf.gz
gunzip MyInvoice-001.pdf.gz
After changing the file extension and unzipping, I can now open the file in Preview.
Is this normal behavior? Do I need my Python code to unzip every gz file when I access a batch of files? Or is there a better way of handling these before processing files?
Did you also try changing ContentEncoding to “pdf”