I tested Snapshot of 60gb (10usd) light sail instance. Its actual size is only 6.2 gb. How much i get charged? 6.2Gb or 60gb


I tested Snapshot of 60gb (10usd) light sail instance. Its actual size is only 6.2 gb. How much i get charged? 6.2Gb or 60gb I am trying to understand all costs involved. I thought it would show actual size of snapshot but i think snapshot is just cloning harddisk.

That means i would be get charged for 60gb even though 90% is free space?

asked 3 years ago762 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

The first snapshot is the actual size of your disk, so a 60GB disk will produce 60GB snapshot. For the first snapshot you will be charged 0.05 * 60 = 3USD per month on lightsail.

For more information. https://aws.amazon.com/lightsail/pricing/

Update: Adding @donleyataws comment in my answer for visibility.

Correction: The size used to calculate the pricing is the compressed size of the snapshot, even for the initial snapshot AWS will not charge for unused disk space. For instance, I have a single 640GB instance snapshot. In November I was charged for 23.2GB-mo which came out to $1.16. Subsequent snapshots will be charged based on the differences from earlier snapshots, so they'll only get charged for the compressed size of the blocks that were modified between them and the previous snapshot

answered 3 years ago
  • Correction: The size used to calculate the pricing is the compressed size of the snapshot, even for the initial snapshot AWS will not charge for unused disk space. For instance, I have a single 640GB instance snapshot. In November I was charged for 23.2GB-mo which came out to $1.16. Subsequent snapshots will be charged based on the differences from earlier snapshots, so they'll only get charged for the compressed size of the blocks that were modified between them and the previous snapshot.


Warning to all - we had about 25 lightsail instances, average size 4GB, all with auto snapshot on. So maybe 150GB stored, at $0.05/GB - that's $7.50. (some manual stored snapshots would push that to about $10/month)

Our bill was $100/month - for snapshots!. Even when I pulled almost all the instances off, shaved the stored snapshots down - our snapshot cost ROSE.

I just looked at the bill in detail. I wonder how support will deal with this.

answered 3 months ago

Corrected per @donleyaws

The size used to calculate the pricing is the compressed size of the snapshot, even for the initial snapshot AWS will not charge for unused disk space. For instance, I have a single 640GB instance snapshot. In November I was charged for 23.2GB-mo which came out to $1.16. Subsequent snapshots will be charged based on the differences from earlier snapshots, so they'll only get charged for the compressed size of the blocks that were modified between them and the previous snapshot.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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