Can I use SES to send marketing emails for my users using my AWS account?


I am building an email marketing app and would like to enable my users to send marketing emails using my AWS account. The from email addresses will be added to SES and verified, so that my users can send emails using those from addresses. Is this an allowed use-case for SES?

asked 2 years ago633 views
1 Answer

Hey there, you mention that you are trying to use AWS SES to allow other users within your AWS account to send emails on your behalf.

For you use case it is possible to have other users within your AWS account send emails on your behalf through the means of Sender Authorisation . It you can create an IAM user and create a a sending authorization Policy which allows you to give permissions to that user so that they can send emails on your behalf .

See references below on information on your use case and creating a Policy for that user. You may contact Premium Support for more details regarding your use case [4].






answered 2 years ago

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