Error fetching list of subscribers


Error fetching list of subscribers Enter image description here

asked 2 years ago231 views
1 Answer

Hello Customer, Thanks for your patience. I would like to inform you that, the error message you are observing when scheduling an email report is an unexpected behavior.

Kindly try the following options to see if any method mitigates the issue :

  1. As suggested in the error message, delete and re-create the report.
  2. Clear the browser cache and attempt to re-create the report.
  3. Attempt to create the report in an incognito or a private browser window.
  4. To isolate and test the issue, also try to create the report from a different browser.

After following the above, if the issue still persists, please open a support case with the AWS QuickSight support team using this LINK in order to investigate further into the root cause of the issue.

answered 2 years ago

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