Error: Failed to load dynamic library at path


Hi, I created a new project and have the following Gems enable: Certificate Manager, Gamelift, Camera, Gestures, In-App Purchases, Multiplayer, UI Basics, User Login, and Video Playback. After configuring and building, the following error message shows up when I try to open up the project:

An error has occurred!
d:\ly\workspace\PKG_v1_7\dev\Code\Framework\AzCore\AzCore\Component\ComponentApplication.cpp(1058): 'void_cdecl
Failed to load dynamic library at path
Press OK to continue, or Cancel to debug

I can't find a way to solve this issue. When I go into the directory that is supposed to contain Gem.VideoPlayback.632473900ed84df3a2bad2887a3bff56.v0.1.0.dll, it isn't there. It IS in Bin64vc140 though.

asked 7 years ago187 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

Okay, I figured it out. Basically, Bin64vc120 is for Visual Studio 2013 while Bin64vc140 is for Visual Studio 2015. I'm using Visual Studio 2015 but the shortcut on my desktop was for Visual Studio 2013. I just had to delete the shortcut and make a new one from Editor.exe in Bin64vc140.

answered 7 years ago

Glad you figured it out @REDACTEDUSER

answered 7 years ago

i cant fix this problem ,anyone can help me~~

i cant find the the bin64vc141 folder


answered 5 years ago


"Changing settings for Code & Assets Gems will require a rebuild of your project."

Follow this guide:

answered 5 years ago

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