Primary IPV6 in a launch template


Hi guys, I have a launch template based on an AMI. This AMI was obtained from an EC2 instance (ubuntu 22.04) that runs on a dual stack network, so in order for it to be included in the auto scaling group, it needs to be assigned a primary IPV6.

The AWS documentation says that the assignment can be done in the launch template (, but I can't do it, as shown in the image below. Is there any way around this?

assign primary ipv6

And I get this error in the auto scaling group error

asked a month ago228 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

Right above the red box in your image, you need to change the IPv6 IPs field to Automatically assign with a value of 1

answered a month ago
  • Hi @Shahad_C. Thank you for the aswear. This option don't enable if the option 'Provide guidance to help me set up a template that I can use with EC2 Auto Scaling' is selected. In my case, is a lauch template for auto scaling, i need this option selected

  • Hi Julio, thanks for the feedback. I've passed that along to the EC2 Launch Template console team. Always feel free to use the 'feedback' button on any console page to directly send feedback of any type to the various console teams.

    For now, de-selecting the "provide guidance" box should let you select this option to create your launch template

  • Hi Shahad_C. Thanks for your help. I will set it up as you suggested and test it. Best regards


Yes, the network is dual-stack. ipv6


I manually added the instance itself to the target group and it worked fine, but in this case it was just a test, as I need the launch template to have auto scaling. Note that only instances that have primary IPV6 can be selected.


answered a month ago
  • To be sure, just that VPC and those IPv6-enabled subnets are selected also for the EC2 Auto Scaling Group and the launch template?

  • Leo K, Yes, only this VPC is selected in the auto scaling group and in the launch template.



  • Like @Shahad_C said ensure "IPv6 IPs field to Automatically assign with a value of 1"

  • How to setup IPv6 Only EC2 Instance in AWS :

  •     [+]
  • NOTE: This is not related to Launch Template. But you can ensure all required fileds are selected in your template.

profile picture
answered a month ago
  • Hi @Praveen Kumar K. Thank you for your reply. The network is configured correctly.


Do the VPC and subnet you've chosen for the launch template and/or ASG have IPv6 CIDRs assigned to them? In other words, is the selected network dual-stack or IPv4-only?

If the VPC is IPv4-only, the process for enabling it for IPv6 is explained here:

Leo K
answered a month ago

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