Lightsail instance maintenance


One or more of your Amazon Lightsail instances is scheduled for maintenance on Wed, ... 16:00:00 GMT. Maintenance activity will result in the affected Lightsail instance(s) becoming unavailable and then rebooted.

Hello, I received a notification with the message above. 16:00GMT is in the middle of the day in my local time. Is it possible to change the maintenance window for a lightsail instance ?

This post ( says that a reboot will resolve the issue, but there is no official documentation confirming it.

For EC2, on which lightsail is running, the documentation mention that a stop/start will migrate an instance on a faulty hardware to a healthy one, it also precise that a reboot won't have the same effect like a stop/start.

asked a year ago760 views
1 Answer

Hi, you will need to stop and start the instance to ensure it gets moved to a new hardware stack.

Stopping and starting the instance at a convenient time before the scheduled maintenance will prevent the reboot from occurring at that scheduled time

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 4 months ago
  • Hi,

    I stopped, then started, still showing in the maintenance schedule as upcoming. Made a snapshot, deleted the instance and recreated a new one with the same name.

    In the health dashboard, I still have "Upcoming" as the status. I suppose it is not the same instance but I reused the name and the "affected resources" tab only provide the name... Lightsail instance maintenance scheduled Status Upcoming

    The EC2 documentation says that the status could take up to 1 hour to be updated. But it is more than 3 hours since I completed the above steps.

    $ uptime -p up 3 hours, 22 minutes

    I have many instances with upcoming scheduled maintenance. If possible, I will prefer the start/stop option instead of a snapshot/new instance (may be new name) option.

    Is there any reliable way to confirm if a maintenance will occur or not after a start/stop ?

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