LoRaWAN Gateway Connection Authenticated/Connection Ended Loop


We are experiencing issues with Multitech Conduit AP LoRaWAN gateways where they will, without any outside change, go into a loop where they constantly ask to connect, get authenticated and then disconnected a few seconds later. They stay in the loop state - sometimes permanently, sometimes connecting after many hours. We have been logging the issue on Cloudwatch and the infuriating thing about this issue is that a gateway will be stable for weeks, then suddenly go into this death spiral.

For context, all gateways are updated to version 6.x firmware and are using LTE connection. Sometimes a connectivity reset of the SIM connection will bring the gateway back, but not always.

Example from logs below.....anybody else had this issue and know what it might be?

2023-04-27T11:33:26.358+01:00 { "resource": "WirelessGateway", "wirelessGatewayId": "2b009a12-1bb7-4cea-9337-03ea52a634eb", "wirelessGatewayType": "LoRaWAN", "event": "Certificate", "logLevel": "INFO", "message": "Gateway connection authenticated. (CertificateId: 729f3b56d716d74293ded464bb01e21a3c088e8d561667acb095b8cce3ca3299, WirelessGatewayId: 2b009a12-1bb7-4cea-9337-03ea52a634eb)" }

2023-04-27T11:33:28.840+01:00 { "resource": "WirelessGateway", "wirelessGatewayId": "2b009a12-1bb7-4cea-9337-03ea52a634eb", "wirelessGatewayType": "LoRaWAN", "event": "Certificate", "logLevel": "INFO", "message": "Gateway connection ended. (CertificateId: 729f3b56d716d74293ded464bb01e21a3c088e8d561667acb095b8cce3ca3299, WirelessGatewayId: 2b009a12-1bb7-4cea-9337-03ea52a634eb)" }

2023-04-27T11:33:30.840+01:00 { "resource": "WirelessGateway", "wirelessGatewayId": "2b009a12-1bb7-4cea-9337-03ea52a634eb", "wirelessGatewayType": "LoRaWAN", "event": "Certificate", "logLevel": "INFO", "message": "Gateway connection authenticated. (CertificateId: 729f3b56d716d74293ded464bb01e21a3c088e8d561667acb095b8cce3ca3299, WirelessGatewayId: 2b009a12-1bb7-4cea-9337-03ea52a634eb)" }

2023-04-27T11:37:32.110+01:00 { "resource": "WirelessGateway", "wirelessGatewayId": "2b009a12-1bb7-4cea-9337-03ea52a634eb", "wirelessGatewayType": "LoRaWAN", "event": "Certificate", "logLevel": "INFO", "message": "Gateway connection authenticated. (CertificateId: 729f3b56d716d74293ded464bb01e21a3c088e8d561667acb095b8cce3ca3299, WirelessGatewayId: 2b009a12-1bb7-4cea-9337-03ea52a634eb)" }

1 Answer

Hi Mark. It's unclear to me whether you've inspected any logs on the gateway. If not, please do so. Please share some gateway log snippets here. Thank you.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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