DataSync Workflow


Hi All recently I have started exploring DataSync Service. I Have 3 doubts that i am not able to find answer off. I would be so very greatfull if somebody could response to my Query

  1. Data Sync Starts the workflow by scanning all the data in datacenter and then prepares for next stages of task execution which envolves transferring of data. Now my question is "what will happen if I add more files in Datacenter during Launching, preparing, and transferring stage of Datasync task execution".
  2. Second doubt is related to schedule. If I schedule data Sync to run at a specific time. will it run for a specific time period or will it run till all the files from data center has been transferred?
  3. third is related to cdk structure, I cannot find how can I use startExecutionApi of datasync in my code. I was not able to find anything relevant in the cfn resource. If anybody can help me what I missed. Thankyou It will be great if anyOne could help me with this thankyou
1 Answer

Hi Shreya,

  1. Files added after the DataSync task starts will not be transferred as part of the running task. If files are added during the prepare phase they may not get scanned. To scan and transfer additional files you can run the DataSync task again. The task will scan the source and destination and only transfer new or changed files.
  2. A task schedule will define when a task starts, the completion of the task is dependent on the number of files to prepare, transfer, and verify and will run until all phases are complete.
  3. You can find the start task execution API docuemntion here. [1]


answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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