Lightsail GetInstance[ap-sotueast-1] Error


I have got this error on Lightsail Dashboard GetInstances Error

My current instance disappeared. What is happening? Should I just wait it out?

asked 5 months ago141 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Even with my AWS account, Lightsail could not be created if it was in the Singapore region, and the error shown in the image below was output.

I received the following notification from the Service Health Dashboard.
There is a possibility that some kind of trouble is occurring in the Singapore region.
I think it's better to wait until the problem is resolved.

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answered 5 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 5 months ago
  • Hi Riku,

    Oh my goodness.Thanks for the update.

    That could be true as I can spin up an instance using Sydney, Zone A (ap-southeast-2a)

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