stop redirecting to https for subdomain


I have moved my domain name from GoDaddy to AWS Route 53 (, then I have created a hostedzone corresponding to this domain in Route 53 ,then I have created an A Record name ( pointing to a toy EC2 public ip4 address runs a simple httpd server (only for testing, and I didn't set up a certificate and I don't want to set up a certificate), however when I try to visit the browser tries to redirect me to https, and this behaviour happens with curl command too(it say redirecting...). how it's possible to configure my domain registrar setting to not redirect traffic to https when its a subdomain of the domain? or what it's possibly can do to stop this from happening?


  1. My EC2 server is accepting traffic on http, https and ssh (I can visit the content of the server with the public** http:**//ip4 address in the browser )
  2. I have short TTL for the A record for testing convenience (30 second), so I have waited already hoping things to change :(
  3. the routing policy is simple for the A record
  4. My new A record is not alias, its only A type
  5. I am able to get good response from the dig command for my A type record name

;; ANSWER SECTION: 30 IN A xx.xx.xx.xx where x is some number represent an ip address

2 Answers


I think that just creating an A record in Route53 will not cause a redirect.
I thought the problem might be in the httpd settings.
Are there any settings in the httpd configuration file that would cause redirection?

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answered 14 days ago
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reviewed 8 days ago

This start to work, by removing the old authoritative NS of the domain name and only keep Route 53 authoritative NS associated with the domain name

answered 14 days ago
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reviewed 8 days ago

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