EMR Serverless Application Disk Space?


When configuring an EMR Serverless application, you can choose the disk size for your preinitialized capacity and a maximum disk limit for the application:

Disk size

However, at least for Hive jobs, EMR Serverless stores both the scratch and warehouse directories on S3. So what is this configured disk space used for? I've searched the documentation and there's no mention of how this space is used, or why it's needed.

asked 2 years ago1489 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

EMR Serverless uses disk size for the following purposes.

  1. Storing the log files ( Hive, Tez AM logs, Tez Task logs etc)
  2. Shuffle data is stored on the local disk.
  3. Resources such as aux libraries, user jar etc.

Hope it answers your question.

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 6 months ago
  • This does answer the question, thanks. But we needed this answer 3 months ago. We've since moved our company's infrastructure to a new cloud provider.

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