EventBus rule is not picking up any data that is flowing through EventBus


Current state:

Account A has:

  1. EventBus A with EventBus rule
  2. Lambda that makes a request to EventBus A.
  3. EventBus rule that targets EventBus B
  4. EventBus rule that has custom Event Pattern to match all events:
  "source": [{
    "prefix": ""

Account B has:

  1. a global EventBus B
  2. an allow list that blocks requests from EventBus A (only allows data flowing from allow listed sources)

My goal:

  1. See data flow through EventBus A in "monitoring" metrics tab (observed behavior: this is done and working)
  2. See data flow through EventBus A's rule but not to the global EventBus (observed behavior: this is NOT working - all metrics in the monitoring tab show "no data available")
  3. See "Matched Events" metric increment for the Event Bus A Rule. (observed behavior: this is NOT working - "no data available")

I can't seem to figure out why the EventBus A rule, which should match all events, isn't matching with any of the events that are flowing through EventBus A? I also tried allowing all events to flow through the rule and this also produced the same observed behavior.

asked 6 months ago221 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I've figured the issue out. The metrics under a custom event bus actually show metrics for ALL event bus events not just the custom event bus. This led me to believe that data was flowing through the custom event bus but it was not.

I checked and the ARN I was publishing to was incorrect. I'm guessing the data flowed to the default event bus which the rule isn't listening on.

answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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