Getting AWS Credits breaks Cost Explorer - zero daily totals


In Billing And Cost Management I do get a monthly amount, and a service break down per month. But this is not detailed enough, which is why I use Cost Explorer.

If I go back a year, I see a nice bar graph, showing segments for each service I used, and a total for the month when hovering. However, since September 2023, when we received an AWS credit, there are no more bars, each month was zero. When I use cost explorer, each service's daily cost is zero. How can I tune my usage of AWS to reduce the amount taken from my AWS Credits each month if I don't know how much I am paying?

AWS needs to fix this bug ASAP.

asked 5 months ago288 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Have you tried excluding "Credit" under Charge Type filter?

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

Thanks. I have given Feedback on that page. I'll add to this thread if/when I hear something back.

Also, just because you have AWS Credits doesn't mean your costs go away, so they should always be shown - not optionally. It's only in the actual billing that AWS Credits should show up. But perhaps a note on the page saying you have $nnnn.nn credits remaining would be helpful. -$0.00 isn't helpful.

answered 5 months ago
  • I've deleted my answer (to which your answer is itself a reply) as it may cause confusion to anybody who finds this answer in the future.

    @AWS-User-alantam is completely correct in his answer.


Thank you for the suggestion. You are correct!

It is a bit strange to show how much extra you are charged by default, in this case nothing, instead of how much the services cost. It's called "Cost Explorer", not "Charge Explorer"!

answered 5 months ago

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