Unable to connect to AWS IoT Core


My Green Grass V2 core device (2.5.3 and Running on Rpi3) cannot connect to AWS IoT Core using company network. If i am using 4G connection, it is able to connect it without any issue. Strange thing is that if I use Python script with same IoT core endpoint, cert and key to connect and publish MQTT message at company network, it is working fine. My question is GG device provisioning services use different end point or any means different than python script? by the way, I have changed greengrassDataPlanePort from "8443" to "443" too. Still unable to connect.

asked 3 years ago1800 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello, The problem that you are having is that you changed the greengrassDataPlanePort, while that is necessary in your case, it isn't not the only change you need to make. You must also change the MQTT port which is used. Please see our documentation here for how to configure MQTT to use port 443.

answered 3 years ago

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