Correct AdminDeleteUserCommand usage


It is unclear to me whether, when deleting a user from a user pool linked to an identity pool (which seems to be, e.g., an Amplify requirement), one should also delete the matching identity pool entry.

1 Answer


Calling the "AdminDeleteUser" API operation[1], only deletes the user from the Cognito Userpool, but does not delete the Identity ID that was created for the user, when calling the "GetID"[2] API Operation. Furthermore, the same Identity ID would always be returned for the existing Userpool User, when calling the "GetID" API operation.

However, when deleting the user using the "AdminDeleteUser" API operation and the user sign-up again, using the same email address/username, the Identity Pool would then generate a new Identity ID for the user, when calling the "GetID" API operation. Considering that you can have an unlimited amount of Identity IDs within your Identity Pool, you can choose to delete the Identity ID that is linked with the deleted user, by using the "DeleteIdentities"[3] API operation and include the required Identity ID in the request.

[1] AdminDeleteUser -

[2] GetId -

[3] DeleteIdentities -

I sincerely hope the above helps address the query of concern.

answered 2 years ago

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