Callbacks being executed before the hours of operations defined for the queue.


We have an inbound queue and offer a callback option inside of it, which then puts customers on the callback queue if chosen. However, we are seeing that customers are being called at very early times on the next day (between 05:00 and 05:30am PST time), and the callback queue has the hours of operation set to 09:00am and 06:00pm PST hours.

The Routing Profile where this callback queue is, also shares the space with other 2 queues which have different hours of operation.

Hours of Operation

Hours of Operation

Callback Queue configuration

Callback Queue configuration

Contacts called before the defined hours of operation

Contacts called before the defined hours of operation

asked 9 months ago296 views
2 Answers


Contacts in queues are automatically forwarded to the next available agent. When a contact is in a queue, it will be forwarded to the next available agent irrespective of their hours of operation. The idea is that agents will only become available during their working hours [].

You can validate whether there was an agent available that was presented with that contact using Agent activity audit report [].

answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

Hours of Operation is not used implicitly. The only time HoO is used is in the Contact Flow using the "Check Hours of Operation". Any place else is not being considered.

To avoid callback being called out of operation hours, normally you will need to monitor and clear the queue before you leave. And in your flow logic, if it is an hour before closing time, you can use a different transfer to queue block (transfer to callback queue) with an "Initial Delay" of 8 hours later (28800 seconds) so it will be in a state of SCHEDULE, 8 hours later will be pushed the queue. When it is in SCHEDULED state, even if agent comes on, callback will not be executed.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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