Associated a domain with a Workmail organization. However, cannot receive emails to this address.


I created a workmail organization. Then I associated one of my route53 domains with the organization. I then created an email user with the domain. I can send emails from this user's mailbox. But I can't receive emails. I even tried to respond to the email sent from the user's mailbox. I feel like I have all the required DNS entries.

Now I realize I can't receive emails for any of my email addresses in this organization. I was originally able to receive emails for the original Workmail address domain (i.e admin@*****

I have checked the domain status on the domain details page in my WorkMail organization and everything is fine.

When I send an email to the user, I get the following error:

Address not found Your message wasn't delivered to admin@phre****.com because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.

The response from the remote server was: 550 5.1.1 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable

Is there something I need to set up in SES? Should I set up a new organization for the domain? Scratching my head. :) Any help is truly welcome! :)

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

I apparently had wiped out the SES email receiving ruleset at some point. I figured out how to add it back. All is awesome once again...until I break something tomorrow :)

answered 2 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 7 months ago


For other users who experience the same issue. This can easily be resolved by adding the domain again in the WorkMail console. No need to remove the domain in WorkMail but adding it again will trigger a workflow to check all required settings for both sending and receiving in WorkMail.

Kind regards, Robin

answered 2 years ago

Any luck? Were you able to resolve this @cpmcmanaman

answered a year ago

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