NICE DCV CloudFormation Template



I'm encountering issues with the CloudFormation Template found in the NICE DCV page located at the direct link to the CF template is here

Upon CREATION_COMPLETE and attempting to login using a custom password and DCV login says wrong user or pass. Could someone point me to what is the issue?

The only line that is edited in the CF template is

    Description: Password for the "Administrator" user on Windows instances or for
      "dcvuser" on Linux instances. The default password is Ch4ng3M3!
    Default: Ch4ng3M3! # changed from this to e.g. N3wP@ssw0rd

Thanks and Regards, Melvin

  • Hi all,

    Thanks for the prompt reply.

    After submitting the question I deploy the CF template without any changes and was able to logged in, I then proceed to change the password only after I've managed to login to the Linux instance. This kind of resolved my issue.

    But I was still wondering what was causing the wrong password issues, as mentioned I then tried the "N3wP@ssw0rd" and it works as well.

    Then I decided to try the password that was not working "$4Testing" apparently adding $ as the first letter results in an error in the password. I was wondering why this resulted in an error and did some googling I suspected that the $ might be some special character in Linux and I was right. Using the \ as an escape resolved the issue, rookie mistake by me.

asked 23 days ago83 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


I tried deploying in the same way using my AWS account and changing the password to "N3wP@ssw0rd" and was able to connect successfully.
Since I selected Windows as the EC2 OS, I was able to connect with the user name "Administrator" and password "N3wP@ssw0rd".
As stated in the error message, I think the username or password may be incorrect.

profile picture
answered 22 days ago

What OS did you provision?

If this helps, you can also try the CloudFormation template at

answered 22 days ago

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