AWS workspaces authentication via google secure LDAP


Hi All,

I am trying to setup AWS workspaces for our internal team usage. But we are trying to setup google credentials for authentication into AWS workspaces. Tried all the possible ways but no luck so far. Is there anyone know or done the same setup that I am trying to setup.

Workflow that I am trying to setup is as below.

AWS Workspace Client -> Google Sign-In --> Authenticated --> Workspace access granted

Note: Not expecting any 3rd party tools like Okta or Jumpcloud to setup. Need native google's secure LDAP or GCDS(if possible) to set it up.

1 Answer

Amazon WorkSpaces requires Microsoft Active Directory (Active Directory Domain Services) for domain join. Google secure LDAP and Google Cloud Directory Sync are not supported. Refer the documentation for details.

answered 8 months ago

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