Laightsail bandwidth sudden increase


The lightsail instance bandwidth skyrockets all of the sudden and reach the limit and I can't find out the reason. The website is not live yet, we are just uploading products no traffic for now and it works well for days and all of the sudden, the bandwidth raises to reach the limit. I have a VPS. 4G Ram, 80G SSD plan. I also set up daily snapshot, my region is Frankfurt - Germany. For the same plan, is the bandwidth limit different for USA versus Germany? What may be the cause of this sudden increase?

  • Can you please clarify what "bandwidth skyrockets" means? Also, does this happen completely randomly or on regular intervals?

asked a month ago130 views
1 Answer

Regarding the sudden increase in bandwidth, here are a few potential causes:

  1. Automated Traffic or Bots: Even if your website isn't live, it might still be accessible to automated bots or scanners that can crawl your site, increasing bandwidth usage.

  2. Background Services: Some services or plugins might be running in the background, such as automatic updates, data syncing, or backups, which could lead to unexpected bandwidth consumption.

  3. Misconfigured Services: If there's a misconfiguration in your instance or web server, it might be sending or receiving more data than intended.

  4. Snapshot Uploads: Daily snapshots could potentially consume bandwidth, especially if they are being transferred to a remote location or another region.

  5. Security Breach: If your instance was compromised, malicious actors might be using your server for purposes such as DDoS attacks, data exfiltration, or other high-bandwidth activities.

To investigate further:

  • Check Logs: Review your web server, application, and network logs to identify any unusual activity.
  • Monitor Traffic: Use AWS CloudWatch or other monitoring tools to see where the traffic is coming from.
  • Security Scan: Run a security scan on your instance to ensure there’s no unauthorized access or malware.

If you identify the source, you can take appropriate action, such as blocking unwanted traffic, adjusting configurations, or enhancing security measures.

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answered 22 days ago

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