Connecting RDS to mysqlworkbench via fleetmanager


I am trying to connect my RDS to mysql workbench via fleetmanager but cant seem to do so despite them being in the same vpc as well as all related security grps and nacls allowing traffic through port 3306. The ec2 instance security groups are also configured to allow the traffic as well.

  • How are you using fleet manager to do this?

1 Answer


  • If you're having trouble connecting your RDS to MySQL Workbench despite being in the same VPC and having the necessary security groups and NACLs configured.

  • Ensure your RDS instance is publicly accessible if you're connecting from your local machine via the internet.

  • If it's a private instance you're connected to the same VPC.

  • Confirm that the security group attached to the RDS instance allows inbound traffic on port 3306 from your IP address.

  • Ensure outbound rules for the RDS instance's security group allow traffic.

  • Verify that the Network ACLs for the subnets associated with your RDS instance allow both inbound and outbound traffic on port 3306.

  • Use the RDS endpoint not the instance name in MySQL Workbench.

  • Ensure you are using the correct username, password, and port 3306.

  • that the subnet routing is correct and if needed check for a NAT gateway if you're using private subnets.

  • Confirm that the RDS instance is in the "Available" state before connecting.

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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