Is it possible to do RDMA using libibverbs and EFA?


A customer is evaluating AWS for migrating an on-prem workload that, at the moment, consists of 10 bare metal servers communicating over Infiniband and RDMA using libibverbs.

I am considering C5n/R5n/P3dn instances and EFA as an alternative, but I am still at a loss whether the customer will be able to do RDMA later as desired.

Is it possible to do RDMA using libibverbs and EFA? If so, is there any documentation that I can share with the customer?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

EFA adapters are exposed through libfabrics ( which offers a comparable interface in terms of functionality (slightly higher level actually). So an application written for libverbs won't work on EFA/libfabric without a significant rewrite.

It does not offer RDMA capabilities yet, but this is usually an implementation detail. What the customer usually cares about is the low-latency / high-throughput and not the fact that the messages are actually transmitted using RDMA.

answered 4 years ago

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