Schema Conversion Tool settings are missing from AWS DMS


I want to migrate DB using AWS DMS. I need to use Schema Conversion Tool for that migration. Those settings should be available during creation of 'Instance Profile' according to AWS docs, but the settings are not there...

Where can I find AWS SCT settings?

2 Answers

It appears there may be some confusion between two different AWS services: AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) and AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT). These are separate tools that can be used together for database migrations, but they have distinct functionalities and interfaces.

AWS DMS is primarily used for migrating data between source and target databases, while AWS SCT is specifically designed for converting database schemas from one engine to another.

If you're looking for AWS SCT settings, you won't find them directly within the AWS DMS console or during the creation of an Instance Profile in DMS. AWS SCT is a standalone application that you need to download and install separately on your local machine.

To use AWS SCT:

  1. Download and install the AWS Schema Conversion Tool on your local computer.
  2. Launch the AWS SCT application.
  3. Create a new project within AWS SCT.
  4. Add your source database and target platform to the project.
  5. Use SCT to convert your database schema and generate migration assessment reports.

Once you've used AWS SCT to convert your schema, you can then use AWS DMS to migrate the actual data. The two tools work complementarily but are accessed and configured separately.

If you're specifically looking to use AWS SCT features within AWS DMS, you might be interested in the DMS Schema Conversion feature, which is available in certain AWS regions. This feature integrates some SCT functionalities directly into DMS, allowing for schema conversion without the need for a separate SCT installation. However, this is different from the standalone AWS SCT tool and may not be available in all regions or for all database types.

If you're unable to find the schema conversion settings you're expecting in AWS DMS, double-check that you're in a region that supports DMS Schema Conversion, or consider using the standalone AWS SCT application for your schema conversion needs before proceeding with data migration using AWS DMS.
What is the AWS Schema Conversion Tool? - AWS Schema Conversion Tool
Converting database schemas using DMS Schema Conversion - AWS Database Migration Service
Starting and managing Projects in AWS SCT - AWS Schema Conversion Tool
Converting schemas usinf AWS SCT - AWS Schema Conversion Tool

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answered 2 months ago

The settings for configuring AWS DMS within AWS SCT are located inside the AWS SCT application.

If you're looking for a connection point between DMS and SCT, it exists through Instance Profiles in DMS. However, SCT itself is configured externally. The DMS console only shows the replication instances and tasks, while SCT settings must be managed in the SCT tool.

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answered 2 months ago

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