You can't start your Spot Instances because the max Spot Instance count is exceeded.


I have been using the instance without issue for over a month.

Now I cannot start it:

aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids $INSTANCE_ID

Now gives the error:

An error occurred (MaxSpotInstanceCountExceeded) when calling the StartInstances operation: You can't start your Spot Instances because the max Spot Instance count is exceeded.
Started instance aws-spot2 with ID ###

On April 14 I received a notice about non-payment:

Your AWS account ### has been restricted because of non-payment. While your account is restricted, you will experience limited ability to buy new resources, expand usage, or link new accounts. If we do not receive your payment immediately, your account may be suspended. If your account is suspended, you will not be able to access your AWS Management Console, manage existing resources, or buy any new resources.

Could this cause the error? I have taken care fo the payment but I am still getting the error. Is there some wait time?

asked 5 months ago254 views
2 Answers


Judging from the content of the error message, it may be related to Spot Instance quotas.
So, why not try increasing the Spot Instance quota once?

Could this cause the error? I have taken care fo the payment but I am still getting the error. Is there some wait time?

I think it is possible to use your AWS account if it has not been suspended, but if you fail to pay for AWS usage fees, your AWS account may be suspended, so please fix the payment error as soon as possible.

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answered 5 months ago

My service quota has been set to 1 vCPU, and they are refusing to increase it.

My account is restricted but not suspended.

Perhaps this quota is the restriction?

I am still dealing with the past due bills.

answered 5 months ago

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