EC2 Instance Error (Failed in Instance reachability check )



My EC2 instance is suddenly stopped connecting through SSH and Instance reachability check also failed.

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When I tried to connect to my EC2 instance, I am getting below error message

"EC2 Instance Connect is unable to connect to your instance. Ensure your instance network settings are configured correctly for EC2 Instance Connect. For more information, see EC2 Instance Connect Prerequisites at"

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In have checked all the necessary steps mentioned in the post:

I am not able to get the system log also. Please help me to fix this issue.

asked 2 months ago137 views
1 Answer

This generally indicates a network connectivity issue. kindly validate the - SG rules, NACLs, Route Table, subnet, IGW, VPC configurations etc to ensure there are no network configuration issues. Are there any other EC2 instances with exactly the same configuration and in same subnet facing this issue? Are there any specific errors on cloudwatch instance logs (if enabled)?

There could be several other reasons for this but you would have to go on a elimination approach to resolve it. Refer the guidance in below documentations for further troubleshooting -,Instance%20status%20checks,-Instance%20status%20checks

answered 2 months ago

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